Keywords Starting With the Letter

Aerospace Stainless Steel Shaft Sleeve

Alloy Doctor Blade

Anti-corrosion and wear-resistant coating

Automatic dividing machine

Automatic flat winding machine

Automatic flat winding machine customized

Automatic flat winding machining equipment is durable

Automatic Flat Winding Production Line

Automatic Glass Industry Roller

Automatic Industry Roller for Rolling Factories

Automatic Paper Drum Machine

Automatic Rolling Factories Industry Roller

axle sleeve

bearing shaft sleeve

Bending Stainless Steel Shaft Sleeve

Big Glass Industry Roller

Big Glass Industry RollerAnti-corrosion and wear resistance

Big Graphite Industry Roller

Big Graphite Industry RollerAnti-corrosion and wear resistance

Big Industry Roller for Rolling Factories

Big Industry Roller for Rolling FactoriesAnti-corrosion and wear resistance

Blade wear-resistant coating preparation durable

bladePreparation of anti-corrosion and wear resistance

blades for paper cutting

boat shaft sleeve

boiler tube

Boiler tube arc spraying

Boiler tube strengthened by supersonic spraying

Boiler tube surface reinforcement is more durable

Bottom Groove Paper Cutting blades

Bottom Groove Paper Cutting knifes

brass shaft sleeve

calender roller

calender rollerAnti-corrosion wear-resistant enhanced Teflon non-stick coating

Carbide Multi-section Roller

Carbide paper cutting machine blade

carbon fiber scraper

Ceramic coated paper scraper

Ceramic coated roller

Ceramic coating

Ceramic coating scraper

Coating customization

coating scraper

composite material slitting blades

compressor shaft sleeve

Connecting rod anticorrosion and wear resistance more durable

Connecting rod anticorrosive and wear-resistant coating more durable

Cooling water pipe supersonic spray processing

crank shaft sleeve

curved rollAnti-corrosion and wear resistance

curved rollerAnti-corrosion wear-resistant enhanced Teflon non-stick coating

Custom carbon fiber scraper

Custom coating preparation

Custom end cover

Custom Plastic Shredder Wood Chipper Blades

Custom screw shaft

Custom spray tungsten carbide mesh board

Custom tug

Custom washing stick


Customizable Electrodes

Customizable gate shaft

Customizable Inner And Outer Shaft Sleeves

customizablePreparation for wear resistance and corrosion protection

Customization Supersonic Plasma Spraying Guide Roller

Customized Carbon Steel Paper Cutting Blades

Customized High Speed Paper Cutting Blades

Customized Industrial ShaftAnti-corrosion and wear-resistant coating

Customized Raft

customized shaft sleeve

Cutting and rewinding machine for

Cutting and rewinding machine for boxboard

Cutting and rewinding machine for coated paper

Cutting and rewinding machine for tube paper

Cutting and rewinding machine for white cardboard

cutting spiral pipe coiling machine

doctor blade

Drive roller Teflon coating

Drive roller tungsten carbide coating

Drive rolls wear and corrosion resistant

drive shaft sleeve


Dryer anti-stick coating

Dryer coating can be customized

Dryer cylinder

Dryer fitting

dryer for paper industry

Dryer paper accessories

Dryer surface Teflon coating anticorrosive and wear-resistant

Dryer Teflon coating

Dryer tungsten carbide coating anticorrosive and wear-resistant

Drying Cylinder Corrosion Resistant

Durable HSS Paper Cutting Blades

Durable Tungsten Steel Paper Cutting Blades


electric arc spraying

electric motor shaft sleeve


End cover added high temperature and corrosion resistance

engine shaft sleeve

Excellent Quality Industry Roller for Steel MillsAnti-corrosion and wear resistance

Excellent Quality Rolling Mills Industry Roller

Excellent Quality Steel Mills Industry Roller

Fan Shaft

Feed Mixer blades

Fiber Glass Doctor Blade

fiberglass doctor blade

fiberglass scraper

Flat winding machine paper tube processing equipment

Fluid Ends Plunger For Fracturing Plunger Pump

Fracturing Pump

Fracturing Pump Plunger

Fully Automatic Paper Cutting Blades for Precision

Fully Automatic Steel Paper Cutting Blades

Functional roller

Functional roller Carbide coated

Functional roller Carbide coatedAnti-corrosion wear-resistant enhanced Teflon non-stick coating

Functional roller Tungsten carbide coated

gate shaft

Gear shaft supersonic processing

Gear shaft surface repair

Gear shaft tungsten carbide coating is more durable

glue roller

Good Floor Tile Industry RollerAnti-corrosion and wear resistance

Good Glass Cooling Industry RollerAnti-corrosion and wear resistance

Good Industry Roller for Glass Cooling

Grass Cutting Blade

Guide wheel custom coating

Hard Ceramic Paper Cutting Blades

Hard Ceramic Paper Cutting Blades for Precision Tasks

Hard Triple Alloy Paper Cutting Blades

Hard-Wearing Metal Paper Cutting Blades

HDPE Doctor Blade

HDPE scraper

Heat Resistant Hot Rolling Strip Industry Roller

Heat Resistant Industry Roller for Steelmaking Factories

Heat Resistant Silicon Carbide Industry Roller

Helical shaft supersonic spray carbonization

High chromium alloy preparation

High Hardness Cooling Table Industry Roller

High Hardness Industry Roller for Cooling Table

High Hardness Steelmaking Factories Industry Roller

High Performance Aluminium Extruding Line Industry Roller

High Performance Cooling Table Industry Roller

High Quality Aluminium Extruding Line Industry Roller

High Quality Carbon Steel Paper Cutting Blades

High Quality Glass Industry Roller

High Quality Glass Industry RollerWear resistant durable Durable

High Quality Industry Roller for Glass IndustryAnti-corrosion wear-resistant enhanced Teflon non-sti

High Quality Paper Cutting Blades for Print Industry

High Speed Metal Paper Cutting Blades

High speed multi-knife paper divider

High Speed Straight Paper Cutting Blades

High-speed steel paper cutter blade

immersion roller

Industrial Carbide Circular Paper Cutting Blades

Industrial Grade Carbide Paper Cutting Blades

Industrial ShaftAnti-corrosion and wear-resistant coating

Industrial tradebrass shaft sleeveAnti-corrosion and wear-resistant coating

Industrial tradedrive shaft sleeveAnti-corrosion and wear-resistant coating

Industrial tradeengine shaft sleeveAnti-corrosion and wear-resistant coating

industry roller

Industry Roller with Hole for Rolling Mills

industry rollerAnti-corrosion and wear resistance

industry rollerWear resistant durable Durable

Inner And Outer Shaft Sleeves

Integrated automated production equipment

Laminar flow roller

Laser Cladding

Laser cladding can customize the coating

Laser cladding custom processing

Laser cladding process anticorrosion and wear resistance

Laser Cladding Processing

Laser cladding processing of workpiece surface

Laser Cladding Processing Surface Coating Treatment

Laser cladding processing wear-resistant coating

Laser Cladding Technology

Laser Cladding Technology Fan Shaft

Laser Cladding Technology machine parts

Laser cladding technology surface treatment

leather blades

Livestock blade

Livestock blades

Low Cost Copper Industry Roller

Low Cost Copper Industry RollerWear resistant durable Durable

Low Cost Industry Roller for Kiln Furniture

Low Cost Industry Roller for Kiln FurnitureAnti-corrosion wear-resistant enhanced Teflon non-stick c

Low Cost Industry Roller for Wire RodAnti-corrosion wear-resistant enhanced Teflon non-stick coating

Low Cost Kiln Furniture Industry Roller

Low Cost Kiln Furniture Industry RollerAnti-corrosion wear-resistant enhanced Teflon non-stick coati

Low Cost Rolling Mills Industry Roller

Low Cost Rolling Mills Industry RollerAnti-corrosion wear-resistant enhanced Teflon non-stick coatin

Low Cost Steel Mills Industry Roller

Low Cost Steel Mills Industry RollerWear resistant durable Durable

Mechanical Hot Rolling Strip Industry Roller

Mechanical industry dial

Mechanical Industry Roller for Steelmaking Factories

Mechanical Steelmaking Factories Industry Roller

Mechanical Steelmaking Factories Industry RollerWear resistant and durable coating is durable

metal coated sinking rolle

metal shaft sleeveAnti-corrosion and wear-resistant coating

Mirror dryer

Mixer Spray-hardened animal husbandry blades

motor shaft sleeveAnti-corrosion and wear-resistant coating

Multi-section roll supersonic spray to strengthen the best

multi-section roller

Paper Cutting Blade

paper cutting blades

Paper Cutting Top Round Blade

Paper Drum Machine

Paper Drum Production Line

Paper drum production line automatic flat winding machine

Paper dryer accessories

Paper dryer non-stick coating

Paper drying cylinder

Paper industry

paper industry rewinding machine

Paper industryhigh strength tension ro

Paper industrymetal coated tension roller

Paper industryTension roller

Paper industrywear-resistant tension roller

Paper machine accessories

paper machine parts

paper machine partspaper slitting machine

paper making machine partsWear resistant and durable coating is durable

paper Making Machine Spare Parts

Paper mirror dryer

Paper parts drying cylinder wear-resistant coating

Paper roller Teflon coating

Paper scraper

Papermaking accessories

Papermaking roller

petrochemical industry gate shaft

Phosphor bronze scraper

plasma coating

Plasma Spray Raft

Plasma spray repair

Plasma sprayed ceramic

Plasma sprayed ceramic roller

Plasma Spraying Guide Roller

Plasma-sprayed ceramic rollers

plastic shaft sleeveAnti-corrosion and wear-resistant coating

Plastic Shredder

Plunger Pump Spare Parts For Fracturing Plunger Pump

Polished Hot Rolling Strip Industry Roller

Polished Hot Rolling Strip Industry RollerWear resistant and durable coating is durable

Polished Industry Roller for Hot Rolling Strip

Polished Kiln Furniture Industry Roller

Polished Kiln Furniture Industry RollerWear resistant durable Durable

Precision Engineered Paper Cutting Blades

Preparation of anti-corrosion and wear resistance

Preparation of anti-corrosion and wear-resistant coating

Preparation of anti-corrosion and wear-resistant coating by arc spraying on paper dryer

Preparation of cooling water pipe anticorrosion and wear resistance

Preparation of guide wheel anticorrosion

Preparation of non-stick coating

Printing and dyeing industrycustomizationCurved roll

propeller shaft sleeve

protective shaft sleeveAnti-corrosion and wear-resistant coating

Pump Plungers

Pump Shaft Sleeve

Pump Spare Parts For Fracturing Plunger Pump

pure alloy scraper

reciprocating pump

rewinder bottom bladeswear well

rewinder roller


Roller arc spraying

Roller damaged repair

rolls for the paper industry

round blades

Scraper abrasion resistant coating

Scraper ceramic coated edge

Scraper size can be customized


Screen customization

Screen roller

Screw pipe machine high efficiency

screw shaft

Setting plate

settling guide roller

settling roller

Shaft sleeve

shaft sleeve for pump

Shaft sleeve thermal spraying processing

Shaft Sleeves

ShaftCeramic preparation

Shell ceramic coating preparation

Shell custom coating

Sinking roller

Small paper cutting blades

Specially customized shaft sleeve

Spiral shaft custom spray tungsten carbide coating

Spline shaft high precision long service life

spline shaft Thermal sprayingcustomizable

Spraying Guide Roller

Stainless Steel Paper Cutter Blade

stainless steel shaft sleeve

Stainless Steel Wrinkle Doctor Blade

stainless steel wrinkle doctor scraper

stir wingsPreparation of anti-corrosion and wear resistance

Stretch roll Teflon coating

Stretch roller spray reinforced non-stick durable

Strip Paper Cutting Blade

Supersonic arc spraying dryer

supersonic spray

Supersonic spray boiler tube

Supersonic spray machining

Supersonic spray preparation

Supersonic Spraying Electrodes

Supersonic Spraying Tungsten Carbide Multi-section Roller

Surface Laser Cladding Processing

surface modification

surface repairing

surface strengthening factor

tapered shaft sleeve

Teflon Coated Drying Cylinder

Teflon coatedPreparation of anti-corrosion and wear resistance

Teflon coating

Teflon coating preparation

Teflon spray dryer paper roller

The plasma processed ceramic coating of the bushing is more durable

The surface properties of the board can be customized

The Teflon roller

Thermal spray

Thermal spray coated rolls for the paper industry

Thermal spray customized products

Thermal spray customized productsPreparation of anti-corrosion and wear resistance

Thermal spray finish

thermal spray guide rollerWear resistant and durable coating is durable

Thermal spray processing roller

Thermal spray rotor processing

Thermal spraying fan shaft

Thermal spraying flame spray welding guide wheel special

Thermal Spraying Processes Reciprocating Pump

Thermal spraying shaft body

thermal sprayingThe splined shaft is resistant to high temperature and corrosion

Thermal sprayPreparation of anti-corrosion and wear resistance

toilet paper rewinding machine

Triple Alloy Paper Cutting Blades

trm blades

Tungsten carbide coated blade

Tungsten carbide coated boiler tube

Tungsten carbide coated connecting rod

Tungsten carbide coated curved rollerAnti-corrosion and wear resistance

Tungsten Carbide coated drying cylinder

Tungsten carbide coated mesh board

Tungsten carbide coated winder rolls

tungsten carbide coatedAnti-corrosion and wear resistance

Tungsten carbide coating

Tungsten carbide coating of tension roller is prepared to prevent corrosion and wear resistance

Tungsten steel paper cutting machine blade

Wear Resistance Floor Tile Industry Roller

Wear Resistance Floor Tile Industry RollerWear resistant durable Durable

Wear Resistance Industry Roller for Floor Tile

Wear Resistance Rolling Factories Industry Roller

Wear Resistance Rolling Factories Industry RollerWear resistant durable Durable

Wear resistant and durable

Wear-resistant coating for boiler tubes

Wear-resistant sleeve

white cardboard

Wood Chipper Blades

Workpieces with metal coating

wrinkle scraper

Jinan Tanmng New Material Technology Co., Ltd. Tanmng has standardized three arc spraying production lines, three supersonic spraying production lines, two plasma spraying production lines, and one ultra-high-speed laser cladding production line. At the same time, it is equipped with more than 40 sets of imported high-end thermal spraying systems and more than 50 sets of high-precision machining equipment to ensure high-precision processing of coatings.


Add:No. 18, Shibali Valley Road, Xiaoli Town Industrial Park, Changqing District, Jinan, Shandong Province




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